University of Chicago — Woodlawn Residential and Dining Commons

Chicago, Illinois
Client: University of Chicago, Capstone Development Partners

Project Description

  • The Woodlawn Residential and Dining Commons provides 1,298 students with an on-campus home; contributing to the University’s goal of 75 percent of undergraduates living on campus.
  • The residential program includes eleven houses with 118 residents per house, each house accommodating 30 percent of students in singles, 30 percent in doubles, and 40 percent in four-bedroom apartments.
  • The floor plans of each house are configured to promote collegiality within the house and interaction between upperclassmen in apartments and underclassmen in the single and double accommodations.
  • The Commons offers state-of-the-art amenities including academic study spaces, social spaces, and a vibrant dining common with capacity for 650 students.



Photographer: Brad Feinknopf